Balance and Finishes

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tournament #7

Tournament Number: WHO CARES???

(I'm not gonna bother keeping the tournament number any more)


I'm playing a 2nd in the same day because I played well even though I lost. Let's see what happens.

Hopefully I don't go on cumulative tilt.

supermagrao with the opening hand check raise

annabellerose calls my preflop raise with -- 9 8 off? Then keeps calling while Ace and others show on board...gut shot calls...

annabelle rose calling station out the door

3rd place @ 100

I have got to get out of the habit of randomly raising to "keep people on their toes." They're walking around on their toes with my chips.

I'm tied near the bottom but no need to panic we're all in a clump down here

az devils 444 will push in a heartbeat don't play him unless you're ready to push too

i cultivated a bs table image in order to rake in when i got some hands. then i never got any hands

i took az's play away from him -- pushed before he could he called me and i doubled up

cincykid on tilt pushes and finishes 4th I AM ITM

pushed with 7's, tj calls with k 8 (no reason not to) he pulls a straight on the river and I finish 3rd

Maybe pushing wasn't the play there, but I was really short stacked. Probably could have called I don't think tj would have raised.

Place: 3rd
(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

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