Balance and Finishes

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tournament #??


Place: 3rd

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #??


GenghisKong is the first player I have encountered for a second time in this series

"GenghisKong likes to push all in out of position when I raise, it seems"

Do I need to find a way to play more hands when short stacked? Can't see myself raising 5 sb's, getting 3 callers, and watching over cards hit my flops..from short stack?

Place: 4th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #??

Spreadsheet has more tournaments than I have listed, so I'm going to have to figure out where I actually am and get the titles right.

Nearly 30 tournaments in and I haven't encountered the same player twice. In fact, the only player I've encountered more than once is: myself. Dun dun dun!

My first 9th place finish since I started. All in from short stack after hitting my Q on flop. QJ in other guy's hand and I'm out.

Place: 9th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #25

trileromaki: calling station?

all in pre w/jj, killed by other guy's kk's

Place: 8th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tournament #24


ted the mechani started out playing like a calling station and i just doubled up using his tokies

pokerdragon7 plays the check raise w/ace on the board -- he had pocket qq

ncraig slow plays the flopped 2pr like an idiot and wins 520 tokies from 4 players! Hee!

pokerdragon all in w/trip k's on the river -- with 4 spades on the board! (Not a single spade in his own hand)

pioppa pushes from short stack with suited king and gets running clubs on 4th and 5th to double up on cheeto

but wild play causes stack to dwindle almost immediately. calling station?

cheeto seems a bit of a puss

ncraig  callin all the way with pocket 9's -- my trip 5's take him waaay down

Totally played good heads up against ncraig who was not easy and took 1st. Avoided several tempting all ins and nailed him with a small pair after the flop...


(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #23

Somebody shoot me if I go all in pre

and lose :)

Laydplyr plays hard. Or at least that's how she took 500 of my chips...

all in pre from short stack w/qk suited. Dominated wreck's pocket 9's.

all in pre from microstack, got paired out by somebody else

Place: 7th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

2 Tournaments

2 tournaments, 2 all in pre flops, 2 times knocked out. I need to go through the blog and find out how many times all in pre flop has worked out for me. Far fewer than the number of times it has, I'll wager.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tournament #22


All in pre w/q a off. Paulncry calls w/suited jack, flops a flush.

Place: 6th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #21


I call all in a/AK suited early on. lds_avenger's QQ held up

Lowest finish so far.

Place: 8th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tournament #20


bambino83, waianae, and mattoso all in w/pocket pairs first hand! We're down to 7 and I haven't lost a token

jodyerikbill playin hard from behind a few "extra" chips

and firelguy knocks out jodkyerikbill with quad aces!

I play my pocket 8's -- xunino trying to knock me off the whole time with his NOTHING...

xunino & I both go all in and take out bicho -- we both had pocket kings!

took out the uncontested pot from bb

never limping works for me because i must define the hand to myself much more rigorously before i play.

In the money and playing loose -- and losing. Gonna tighten up to the extent possible  --

well belay that, all in with open ended flush draw from micro stack and I take another 3rd place.


(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #19

Pikester bets a lot, at least if the first 3 hands are any indication. Don't go up against him without cards

Yep. Pikester down to 1000 chips after just a few rounds

pikester doubles up on me, calls my pre flop raise w/4 7 suited, calls all in w/flush draw, hits flush

Pikester: calling station

DivaD calls all the way to river after i make my trips, tries to bluff me on the river HA she had nothing

And bovious plays the calling station to double up w/trip 10's -- takes the lead w/8 players remaining

Short stacked after pikester calls my all in from button w/44 -- he had kk and that was that

Pikester is the only person playing at this table, it seems. I raised a/AK pre, he called, I bet on flop and he folded

on the  bubble with pikester to my left -- i think he'll find his fold button

pikester tries to bluff diva who's got like almost 10 times as many chips as he -- no go and he's

This was a strategic bubble play on my part. When Anti pushed after pikester, I realized that I felt really good about my cards and if I lost and pikester lost I would be in 3rd.

Full Tilt Poker Game #21147139901: $1 + $0.20 Sit & Go (162947820), Table 1 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:19:59 ET - 2010/05/26
Seat 2: Anti818181 (3,180)
Seat 5: bovious (1,045)
Seat 6: pikester5 (470)
Seat 9: DivaD1946 (8,805)
Anti818181 posts the small blind of 100
bovious posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to bovious [Qs Ac]
pikester5 raises to 470, and is all in
DivaD1946 folds
Anti818181 raises to 3,180, and is all in
bovious has 15 seconds left to act
bovious calls 845, and is all in
Anti818181 shows [3h Kh]
bovious shows [Qs Ac]
pikester5 shows [Jd Ks]
Uncalled bet of 2,135 returned to Anti818181
*** FLOP *** [3c 5s 8c]
*** TURN *** [3c 5s 8c] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [3c 5s 8c 9c] [Qd]
Anti818181 shows a pair of Threes
bovious shows a pair of Queens
bovious wins the side pot (1,150) with a pair of Queens
pikester5 shows King Queen high
bovious wins the main pot (1,410) with a pair of Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,560 Main pot 1,410. Side pot 1,150. | Rake 0
Board: [3c 5s 8c 9c Qd]
Seat 2: Anti818181 (small blind) showed [3h Kh] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 5: bovious (big blind) showed [Qs Ac] and won (2,560) with a pair of Queens
Seat 6: pikester5 showed [Jd Ks] and lost with King Queen high
Seat 9: DivaD1946 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Place: 3rd

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tournament #18


ACK! I disconnected. Apologized upon reconnect.

Just murdered Foxx who raised pre with ace-rag -- took most of his stack, calling all the way after his rag hit!

10 a 10 k 10 on board, i shot with nothing and everybody folded lol

Playing tight / aggressive and doing well. Table image is rational / plays strong hands. Raising 5 sb's if first voluntary

phatcaesar pretty nerveless watch him

in the money

3rd after playing really hard ITM. 


(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tournament #17

Notes: Seems obvious I need to change something. I don't remember losing this much, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

I need to endeavor not to be short stacked, and I need to not push all in just because I'm short stacked.

reraised pineapple pre flop and he folded!

raised, blondeski reraised all in from short stack, I pushed, ohnoone followed -- my pocket rockets held up and i take a commanding lead

Thing is, all in pre flop against two opponents, one of whom (noone) has 9 9 -- could've gone either way (I had blondeski dominated). Board had paired 6's -- what if either of those had been a wot the hell push with a 6 in it?

nadiepuede calls reraise with NOTHING and his J hits on the river. Unbelievable.

This nadie is a classic fearless maniac -- just called pineapple's push w/ace high. Pineapple's ace high held up!

nadie's short stacked in 5th -- found his fold button

The uncontested pot is coming into play here a lot. I took down a couple by just firing into them.

Pineapple is a bad trash talker

nadie calls all in after pineapple pushes w/k a. flops a full not push pre flop against na die unless you're prepared for him to call

Nadie seems to play just about every hand and goes mad should he hit a pair...or have outs...or not...

and i'm in the money after taking out pineapple -- that was especially sweet

2nd place after cbuck. cbuck a cool character, don't think he said a word or made many spectacular plays, just sat behind the big stack and drew people in

Place: 2nd

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tournament #16

Started out by pushing the wrong button, raising to 10 sb instead of 5. OK, everybody folded but I'm going to revert to 5.

I'm going to play any ace

Try to think in terms of what could this person have that would have him in this hand at this point -- assuming he's rational. BUT include tilts and bluffs in my reckoning.

Practice counting outs

Got called all in by a guy holding a flush draw which came.

All in from short stack w/2 players (no hope of them folding)

Place: 7th

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)

Tournament #15


This has become too much like a place for me to bitch about bad beats and second-guess my own strategy.

I have to play some hands I'm not perfectly comfortable with.

It's easy to say I shouldn't have played this or that hand.

Every hand can go either way.

I don't sit here second guessing my wins, why second guess my losses?

Place: 6th

All in after flop from bb with 4 4 5 on board. I open ended str8 draw. Fell to set of 4's which gabulldog had called A 4 preflop raise

(1st = $4.50; 2nd = $2.70; 3rd = $1.80)